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At Home Energy, we strive to make our customers' homes as energy efficient as possible.
For all projects, we apply the same basic principles. We look at the house as a system and consider how the parts of this system affect energy performance.
However, each home is unique, so we work with our customers to find the best combination of services to fit their homes, locations, and budgets.
For existing homes, we perform an energy audit to identify the biggest areas of improvement. Then, we increase energy efficiency with a variety of remodelling improvements, including air sealing and insulation.
For new homes, we start with techniques like passive solar design to minimize eventual energy usage. During construction, we ensure the different parts of the home, from insulation to air sealing to window location and shading, will work together to guarantee efficiency.
For all projects, we strive to integrate renewable energy sources—photovoltaic solar and geothermal—with efficient heating, cooling, and hot water systems.
With this holistic approach, we have helped many customers reach net zero.
Energy Code Advisors provides audits and certified efficiency ratings for our projects, and we work with state and national energy associations—including National Grid, Mass Save, and Efficiency Vermont—to help our clients make the most of available incentives, subsidies, and credits.
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